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The Evolution of DISC and the Blind Spot Assessment

The timeline and milestones leading from William Marston's book to the development of the DISC concept and eventually to the Blind Spot Assessment (BSA) can be summarized as follows:

  1. William Marston's Book and DISC Theory
  • 1928: William Moulton Marston publishes his book, "Emotions of Normal People."
  • Milestone: Marston introduces the DISC theory, which categorizes human emotions and behavior into four primary types: Dominance, Inducement (later called Influence), Submission (later called Steadiness), and Compliance (later called Conscientiousness).
  1. Early Development of DISC Assessments
  • 1940s-1950s: The DISC theory begins to gain traction, but it remains primarily an academic concept without a standardized assessment tool.
  • Milestone: Psychologists and researchers start exploring ways to measure and apply Marston's theory in practical settings, particularly in industrial psychology and management.
  1. First DISC Assessments
  • 1950s-1960s: Various practitioners begin developing assessment tools based on the DISC theory.
  • Milestone: The first DISC assessments are created for use in business, focusing on understanding employee behavior and improving management practices.
  • 1960s-1970s: John G. Geier, a psychologist, develops one of the first widely used DISC assessment tools called the Personal Profile System (PPS).
  • Milestone: Geier's work popularizes the use of DISC assessments in organizations and personal development.
  1. Commercialization and Spread of DISC Assessments
  • 1980s-1990s: DISC assessments become more widely adopted in the corporate world, particularly in HR and leadership development.
  • Milestone: Various companies and organizations create proprietary versions of DISC assessments, adapting the tool for different purposes such as hiring, team building, and leadership training.
  1. Development of the Blind Spot Assessment (BSA)
  • 2016: Kevin McCarthy develops the Blind Spot Assessment (BSA), an evolution of the DISC concept.
  • Milestone: The BSA is designed to address limitations in existing assessments by offering a faster, easier-to-understand, and actionable tool based on the DISC model. The BSA uses specific terminology for DISC styles (Competitor, Motivator, Peacemaker, Analyzer) and introduces blended styles (Energizer, Connector, Stabilizer, Controller) under the CAMP model.
  1. Continued Evolution and Application
  • 2016-Present: The BSA is continuously refined and expanded, with applications in leadership development, team dynamics, and HR practices.
  • 2020: BSA is licensed to professional practitioners to use with their clients and audiences.
  • 2023-24: The BSA - Assessment Management Platform (AMP) was developed and released for use by HR professionals, Hiring Managers, Team Leaders, Professional Coaches, Trainers and Speakers.
  • Milestone: BSA offers custom assessments tailored to specific client needs are also available, including leadership, teamwork, and faith-based versions. 

This timeline highlights the key milestones from the introduction of Marston's DISC theory to the development and ongoing evolution of the Blind Spot Assessment.

How well do you really know your people?

The DISC-based Blind Spot Assessment™ is a global sensation that's transforming leaders and their workgroups everywhere.

Transform your DISC assessments with our Blind Spot Assessments and management platform. Gain deeper insights into your candidates' strengths and areas for growth, empowering your hiring managers to build stronger, more effective teams. Discover how each candidate can uniquely contribute and excel in your organization.

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